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Welcome to Exfont - Best Free Fonts.
Viewing 60 of 162,917 fonts
Samsung Sans Condensed Bold
- Dalton Maag Ltd
Samsung Sans Condensed Bold
1,326 glyphs
Samsung Sans Bold
- Dalton Maag Ltd
Samsung Sans Bold
1,326 glyphs
Samsung Sans Black
- Dalton Maag Ltd
Samsung Sans Black
1,326 glyphs
Valentia Nit Condensed
- Olcar Alcaide
Valentia Nit Condensed
846 glyphs
The Secret Regular
- Dmitrii Mikitenko
The Secret Regular
805 glyphs
Microsoft Himalaya
- Founder, Beijing China
Microsoft Himalaya
1,522 glyphs
SVN-Avaline Script Ornaments
- Kimmy Kirkwood
SVN-Avaline Script Ornaments
337 glyphs
Samsung Sans Bold Italic
- Dalton Maag Ltd
Samsung Sans Bold Italic
1,326 glyphs
Samsung Sans Condensed Bold Italic
- Dalton Maag Ltd
Samsung Sans Condensed Bold Italic
1,326 glyphs
Samsung Sans Black Italic
- Dalton Maag Ltd
Samsung Sans Black Italic
1,326 glyphs
Courier New Gras Italique
- Howard Kettler
Courier New Gras Italique
2,544 glyphs
Playlist Caps
- Artimasa
Playlist Caps
216 glyphs
Segoe Script Bold
Segoe Script Bold
1,942 glyphs
UVF Ithornet
UVF Ithornet
306 glyphs
Baragaki Demo Mix
- Le Thi Thu Huong a.k.a Poemhaiku a.k.a PxP
Baragaki Demo Mix
249 glyphs
Storyteller Casual
- Elena Genova
Storyteller Casual
1,277 glyphs
Stabile Regular
- Erica Jung & Ricardo Marcin
Stabile Regular
610 glyphs
- Elena Genova
1,054 glyphs
Lato Hairline
- Lukasz Dziedzic
Lato Hairline
3,026 glyphs
Meow Script Regular
- Robert E. Leuschke
Meow Script Regular
2,368 glyphs
Pepita Script 3 Regular
- Emil Bertell
Pepita Script 3 Regular
719 glyphs
Pangolin Regular
- Kevin Burke
Pangolin Regular
874 glyphs
HLT Admiration Pains
- Viet hoa by UhThiLaHuVo
HLT Admiration Pains
297 glyphs
Piazzolla Thin Italic
- Juan Pablo del Peral
Piazzolla Thin Italic
2,274 glyphs
Sauber Script Regular
- Michael Hochleitner
Sauber Script Regular
700 glyphs
Segoe Script
Segoe Script
1,940 glyphs
SVN-A Love Of Thunder
SVN-A Love Of Thunder
244 glyphs
SantElia Script ExtraLight
- Ryan Martinson
SantElia Script ExtraLight
595 glyphs
Piazzolla Thin
- Juan Pablo del Peral
Piazzolla Thin
2,277 glyphs
iCiel Lady Rene Style 1
- Laura Varsky
iCiel Lady Rene Style 1
538 glyphs
EB Garamond Medium
- Georg Duffner and Octavio Pardo
EB Garamond Medium
3,099 glyphs
EB Garamond Bold
- Georg Duffner and Octavio Pardo
EB Garamond Bold
3,099 glyphs
EB Garamond ExtraBold
- Georg Duffner and Octavio Pardo
EB Garamond ExtraBold
3,099 glyphs
EB Garamond SemiBold
- Georg Duffner and Octavio Pardo
EB Garamond SemiBold
3,099 glyphs
Tropen Wide
- Ahmet Altun
Tropen Wide
454 glyphs
YWFT Burtonian
- YouWorkForThem
YWFT Burtonian
947 glyphs
Storyteller Script
- Elena Genova
Storyteller Script
1,270 glyphs
- Hermansyah
373 glyphs
Appleberry Regular
Appleberry Regular
238 glyphs
Quimbly Bold
- Jessica McCarty
Quimbly Bold
633 glyphs
Tropen Deco
- Ahmet Altun
Tropen Deco
473 glyphs
Island Moments Regular
- Robert E. Leuschke
Island Moments Regular
887 glyphs
Nistiver Black
- Aga Silva
Nistiver Black
1,437 glyphs
- Aga Silva
1,437 glyphs
238 glyphs
HLT Aparo
- Duc Hoang
HLT Aparo
994 glyphs
Top Secret Regular
Top Secret Regular
411 glyphs
LNTH Brotherina
- Situjuh Nazara
LNTH Brotherina
906 glyphs
Lato Hairline Italic
- Lukasz Dziedzic
Lato Hairline Italic
3,026 glyphs
Zelda Regular
- Artimasa
Zelda Regular
642 glyphs
Xiomara Regular
- Lauren Thompson
Xiomara Regular
906 glyphs
Museo Sans Medium Italic
- Jos Buivenga
Museo Sans Medium Italic
579 glyphs
HLT Anna Clara
- Duc Hoang
HLT Anna Clara
488 glyphs
Zulia Pro FS Zulia Pro
- Jose Luis Vivas and Alejandro Paul
Zulia Pro FS Zulia Pro
914 glyphs
Lato Thin
- Lukasz Dziedzic
Lato Thin
3,026 glyphs
Lato Light
- Lukasz Dziedzic
Lato Light
3,026 glyphs
Source Sans 3
- Paul D. Hunt
Source Sans 3
2,478 glyphs
Lemon Tuesday Regular
- Daria Kwon & Jovanny Lemonad
Lemon Tuesday Regular
524 glyphs
HLT Festival Scrip tPro
- Viet hoa by UhThiLaHuVo
HLT Festival Scrip tPro
801 glyphs
Cormorant Garamond Medium
- Christian Thalmann (Catharsis Fonts)
Cormorant Garamond Medium
1,962 glyphs