Zosimo is a neo-grotesque typeface created by designer Ron Gilad (Delicious Type) in cooperation with renowned typographer Oded Ezer based on his ubiquitous Alchemist typeface. Carefully drawn curves, robust shapes and a range of OpenType features make Zosimo a great choice for designing logotypes, signage, titling, texts and more. Zosimo now comes in three families: Standard (full Latin support), Cyrillic (basic Latin and Cyrillic) and Pro (all included). Totalling in 9 weights, roman and italic, Zosimo can accommodate all your type-related design needs in one big happy family.
Font ☞Zosimo UltraLight Italic. Examples of this font can be found on the font site exFont, designed by Ron Gilad, include the number of glyphs 504 characters. You can find other similar fonts, or fonts in the same family as this font right below.
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