Diragades Signature Script. This is perfect for your feminine design, you can also make a branding such as cosmetics products, Branding photography, invitation designs or your trademark. Diragades is an elegant and flowing handwritten font. It is PUA encoded which means you can access all of the glyphs and swashes with ease! It features a varying baseline, smooth lines, gorgeous glyphs and stunning alternates. It maintains its classy calligraphic influences while feeling contemporary and fresh. Fall in love with this font and bring your projects to the highest levels!
Available: -Uppercase -Lowercase -Numeral and punctuation -Multilingual support -Stylistic ligature : complete 2 ligatures and several 3 ligatures -Stylistic character alternate -Swashes on PUA encoded.
Stylistic Ligature : nd cl ri me ne er yh al an ex ll el sl ch th da ax bb el hu ey il in ml nl dn ce rl ec st lr ny re Ay bel as oo se ro len cy jl rt ur ie fi Alf ni ag hn ol ro em ns eej ar sl on lim fi lq by en ell ral ren inc lex meh bem oley nsl die ero bner ich ron And ren dan ner bel mer men mero ell ill ust ton tor fin Alf Alv fie ars Ans sell rch ric ber ner mer mero bel ell Ton Tor Fin Fie rch ero Alv ill nd cl dy da ri me ne er yh al ex bb ll el sl ch hu ey ax th st il in dn ce da
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