Since its emergence almost a hundred years ago, the Euclid typeface has always been popular. Based on elementary Euclid shapes and constructed of monolinear lines, it was invented to be functional, leaving behind anything that can be regarded as superfluous. Designers love the genre for its rigor and purity. The straightforward shapes are associated with modernism and eternalness alike. Swiss Typefaces offers the best Geometric typeface ever. Named after the Greek mathematician Euclid (“The Euclid”), founder of geometry and author of the Elements, the typeface comprises five collections: Euclid Flex, Euclid Circular A, Euclid Circular B, Euclid Square, and Euclid Triangle.
Font EuclidTriangle-Light. Examples of this font can be found on the font site exFont, designed by Swiss Typefaces, include the number of glyphs 705 characters. You can find other similar fonts, or fonts in the same family as this font right below.
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