Attention! Are you ready for some daring fonts with a side of attitude? If your answer is anywhere around „YES YES, PLEASE, YES!”— then hope you’re sitting down for this one, as Gigafly is here to ruffle feathers. It’s bold, eccentric, and loud—designed for those who think blending in is overrated. This family boasts a sharp design language brimming with strength, energy, and dynamism. When size matters—think billboards, posters, banners—Gigafly delivers. Its alternate letterforms offer versatility, allowing you to effortlessly switch between vibrant, collage-like creations and powerful, clean-cut designs. A set of cheeky icons and stylish manicules slips in some offbeat charm.
Font Gigafly Headline ExtraBold. Examples of this font can be found on the font site exFont, designed by Roch Modrzejewski, include the number of glyphs 1409 characters. You can find other similar fonts, or fonts in the same family as this font right below.
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